Author: admin

ZDHC Level 3 Certification

We are thrilled to announce that Zenith Industrial Chemicals Pte Ltd has attained the prestigious ZDHC (Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals) Certification Level 3. This remarkable achievement underscores our unwavering commitment to environmental sustainability and the responsible management of chemicals in the textile and footwear industries. The ZDHC program is globally recognized as a benchmark for excellence in chemical management, focusing on eliminating hazardous chemicals from the entire supply chain. By achieving Level 3 certification, Zenith Industrial Chemicals Pte Ltd…


ABSTRACT A major producer of wet blue leather suddenly started experiencing outbreaks of mold growth in the wet blue stock after only a few days of storage and despite the proper use of a leading TCMTB fungicide. The fungicide supplier was unable to solve the mold problem, and the tannery consulted Zenith Industrial Chemicals for assistance. Zenith conducted thorough investigations on-site at the tannery operation and in Zenith’s laboratories. They identified the problem as being caused by an uncommon strain…

Zenith pioneers green Leather fungicides

Zenith Industrial Chemicals, Singapore. Article first published in ILM May-June 2015 edition. For more information about Zenith Industrial Chemicals please contact the author: In 1990 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) enacted the Pollution Prevention Act with the objective to stop or reduce pollution at its source by eliminating or minimising the use of hazardous chemicals. The term “Green Chemistry” was first used by a chemist named Paul Anastas working at the EPA at the time to describe…